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76WM006. whitby menial ice cream smiths.  1:76 scale.

76WM006. whitby menial ice cream smiths. 1:76 scale.

SKU: 76WM006

What a tampo printing challenge this livery is!  This amazing technicolour Whitby Morrison Mondial Ice Cream Van promoting Smiths Ice Cream bears an Irish number plate LH 22394 which includes the IRL lettering set into the yellow and blue European logo. It has already appeared in 1:43 scale and is presented here in exactly the same level of decoration and detail, including the two ice cream cones on each side of the roof. The basic body colour is violet which also extends to the roof, with multi-coloured stripes overprinted to give maximum impact.  White lettering advertising Soft Ice Cream features on the bonnet and also across the back.  Note too, the website address across the back window and the pale blue fridge top inside the vending area.

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