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00323. British Challenger 2 MBT (OP. Telic) Iraq 2003

00323. British Challenger 2 MBT (OP. Telic) Iraq 2003

SKU: 00323


      Vicker Challenger 2 is an advanced main battle tank built by the UK company, Alvis s Ltd (formerly Vickers Defence Systems). Although similar in appearance to Challenger 1, the Challenger 2 MBT has many improvements including a brand new turret armed with the latest 120mm L30 rifled tank gun firing a new APFSDS-T (Armour Piercing Fin Discarding Sabot Tracer) projectile with a depleted uranium penetrator. The new computerized fire control system, all electric gun control and stabilizing system, and stabilized sights for the commander and gunner give a high degree of first round hit probability under both day and night conditions. Standard equipment includes a thermal camera over the manlet of the 120mm gun which provides a picture for gunner and commander, as well as an NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) system, mounting points for additional fuel drums at the rear, and mounting points for a Combat Dozer Blade at the front of the hull. Challenger 2 is in service with the British Army and with the Royal Army of Oman. The UK placed orders for 127 Challenger 2 tanks in 1991 and an additional 259 in 1994. In 1993 Oman ordered 18 Challenger 2 tanks and an order for a further 20 tanks was placed in November 1997. Challenger 2 entered service with the British Army in June 1998 and the last of the 386 tanks was delivered in April 2002. Deliveries for Oman were completed in 2001. Challenger 2 has seen operational service in Bosnia and Kosovo. British Army Challenger 2 tanks were deployed on active service in Operation Iraqi Freedom. 
Item No    00323

Total Sprues     8pcs plus hull and turret and tracks
Paint Schemes     Iraqi Freedom Operation Telic

More Features     With latest up-armour with skirts


  • spec

    Item Name    British Challenger 2 MBT (OP. Telic) Iraq 2003
    Scale    1:35
    Item Type    Static Armor
    Model Brief     Length: 333 mm Width: 114mm Height:87mm
    Total Parts     435pcs

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